Jake's Adventure is a fictional book written by Helena Cassadine. In March 2016 during Helena's will reading, Elizabeth Webber is left a leather bound book called Jake's Adventure. She is upset and leaves while saying she will read the book later. Jake Webber draws a scarecrow and a chimera on a timeline (a blank paper Franco Baldwin gave Jake to write on). The scarecrow hints to the time Jake was thought to be dead and was on Cassadine Island. He saw Helena's henchman Phillipos Costa whipping Drew Cain. Drew (as Jason Morgan) borrows the book and when Sam McCall accidentally spills tequila on it, she finds a page stuck together with a drawing of a chimera inside. This led to the reveal of Helena's plot for Jake during the Nurses Ball.
Photo gallery[]
Opening page of Jake's Adventure
Chimera drawing on hidden page
Jake hiding on bottom half of drawing on Jake's timeline
Jake's birthday written in European date format on top half of drawing on Jake's timeline