General Hospital Wiki
General Hospital Wiki

Valentin Cassadine and Cmmr. Anna Devane are fictional characters and popular lovers on the ABC daytime soap opera, General Hospital‬.


Actor James Patrick Stuart, known for his portrayal of Will Cortlandt on All My Children, debuted as Valentin Cassadine on July 8, 2016, through August 12, 2016. He returned on October 24, 2016 and has been portraying the character regularly as recurring since.



Anna feels for Valentin (2017)


Comfort of touch (2021)

Vanna IllTakeCareofIt Text 2021

I'll liaison (2021)

Vanna Gaze 2021

Fireside gaze (2021)

Vanna GreekKiss 2021

First kiss, in Greece (2021)

Vanna NYEKiss 2021

New Years Kiss (2022)

Vanna PoolDateKiss 2022

Date by the pool (2022)

Vanna TruthComfort 2022

Comfort of truth (2022)

Vanna FiresideKiss 2022

Fireside kiss (2022)

Vanna Couch 2022

Cute kiss on the couch (2022)

Vanna Comfort 2023

Comforting touch (2023)

Vanna HotFugitive 2023

You make a hot fugitive (2023)

Vanna NB Fantasy 2023-2

Valentin/Anna fantasize performing at the Nurses' Ball (2023)

Vanna CouchMakeout 2023

Making out on the couch (2023)

Vanna Welcome Home Kiss 2023

Welcome home (2023)

Vanna Stairs 2023

A loving moment before he leaves (2023)

Vanna Suspicions 2023

Anna is suspicious of Valentin (2023)

Vanna Keeping Secrets 2023

Good reason for keeping secrets? (2023)

Anna Slaps Valentin Over Betrayal 2023

Slap over a betrayal (2023)

ValentinVAnna Blame 2023

The blame? (2023)

Vanna Goodbye 2023

Goodbye? (2023)

Shortly after his birth, Valentin was disowned by Mikkos and soon became forgotten in the family, a mere myth, hence making him the most unwanted child in the Cassadine family. Valentin claims that he barely remembers his mother. He was sent to Bedlington Academy in England at the age of 5 and was left there all on his own, and was never returned to Cassadine Island. He hated the academy deeply, as it was a prison to him. He was very lonely during his childhood and he isolated himself to his books and studies, one of his many favorites was Shakespeare's writings.

During his childhood, he was unable to wear braces to help his scoliosis because he was a ward in his school and there was only money for his tuition. So his scoliosis went untreated and by the time he was a teenager, his distortion was pronounced. After graduating from the academy and thanks to his genius intellect, he found his way to Oxford where he studied linguistics. Later on, under the name Ivan Theodore, he ended up in the WSB Training Academy, thanks to his brilliance in linguistics, where he was forced to train as an analyst because of his scoliosis, yet he was seen by many as the brightest trainee. During that time, he met Anna Devane, while she was training to become a field agent. He had fallen for her, and on her birthday, Valentin tried to make a move on her to which she rejected him because of his deformity. On April, it was revealed to a forgetful Anna that they had a one night stand before she betrayed him. However, it was Anna's twin Alex Devane (disguised as Anna), that found him sad at a church drop-site, and took him to a hotel to make love – his first time. In the morning, while she was showering, he found the kill directive and ran. Valentin thought he was betrayed by the only woman who ever truly loved him.

Photo gallery[]


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Couples SondraProfile 2011

Alan and Monica · Dante and Lulu · Duke and Anna · Frisco and Felicia · Jason and Elizabeth · Jason and Sam · Jax and Brenda · Jax and Carly · Kevin and Lucy · Lucky and Elizabeth · Luke and Laura · Nikolas and Emily · Patrick and Robin · Rafe and Alison · Robert and Anna · Robert and Holly · Sean and Tiffany · Sonny and Brenda · Sonny and Carly · Spencer and Trina · Spinelli and Maxie · Stephen and Livvie · Stone and Robin

Current Couples
Chase and Brook Lynn · Cody and Sasha · Curtis and Portia · Dante and Sam · Dex and Josslyn · Drew and Nina · Kevin and Laura · Mac and Felicia · Michael and Willow · Ned and Olivia · Scott and Lucy · Sidwell and Holly · Sonny and Natalia · T.J. and Molly · Valentin and Anna · Yuri and Terry
Potential Couples
Brennan and Carly · Brick and Jordan · Calvin and Jordan · Chase and Sasha · Cody and Brook Lynn · Cody and Tracy · Dex and Kristina · Dex and Molly · Drew and Jordan · Drew and Willow · Gio and Josslyn · Gio and Trina · Isaiah and Jordan · Jason and Anna · Jason and Ava · Marshall and Stella · Ric and Ava · Ric and Sam · Robert and Olivia · Scott and Tracy · Sonny and Alexis · Sonny and Ava · T.J. and Willow · Valentin and Brook Lynn
Former Couples
Chase and Willow · Curtis and Jordan · Drew and Carly · Drew and Elizabeth · Drew and Sam · Jason and Carly · Jake and Charlotte · Lucky and Maxie · Lucky and Sam · Michael and Sasha · Ned and Alexis · Nikolas and Ava · Ric and Alexis · Ric and Elizabeth · Ric and Nina · Robert and Diane · Scott and Laura · Sonny and Nina · Sonny and Olivia · Sonny and Sam · Valentin and Nina
Offscreen Couples
(One or both characters offscreen)
Couples of the 1960s
Eddie and Angie · Edward and Lila · Fred and Janet · Howie and Jane · Ken and Cynthia · Lee and Meg · Mike and Adela · Mikkos and Helena · Mikkos and Kristin · Noel and Brooke · Peter and Jessie · Phil and Jessie · Roy and Peggy · Steve and Audrey · Steve and Peggy · Tom and Audrey · Victor and Helena
Couples of the 1970s
Al and Lucille · Cameron and Lesley · David and Laura · Henry and Jane · Jeff and Heather · Jeff and Monica · Jim and Audrey · Julian and Alexis · Lee and Carolyn · Peter and Diana · Phil and Diana · Rick and Lesley · Rick and Monica · Roy and Bobbie · Scott and Heather
Couples of the 1980s
Alan and Lucy · Bryan and Claudia · Colton and Felicia · D.L. and Bobbie · Faison and Liesl · Grant and Celia · Jake and Bobbie · Julian and Cheryl · Kevin and Terry · Lee and Gail · Luke and Holly · Ned and Dawn · Ned and Monica · Noah and Bobbie · Rick and Ginny · Robert and Cheryl · Robert and Katherine · Robert and Jackie · Silas and Nina · Sonny and Connie · Stefan and Laura · Tom and Simone · Tony and Alex · Tony and Bobbie · Tony and Tania · Valentin and Alex · Victor and Liesl
Couples of the 1990s
A.J. and Carly · Bill and Nancy · Damian and Katherine · Damian and Lucy · Decker and Dawn · Finn and Jackie · Foster and Annabelle · Franco and Ava · Gregory and Jackie · Jagger and Karen · Jason and Robin · Jax and Chloe · Jagger and Brenda · Leopold and Dominique · Mac and Dominique · Miguel and Lily · Ned and Lois · Ned and Wendy · Paul and Jenny · Paul and Tracy · Rex and Lucy · Ryan and Felicia · Scott and Dominique · Shawn and Jordan · Silas and Ava · Sonny and Karen · Sonny and Lily · Stefan and Bobbie · Stefan and Katherine · Todd and Blair · Tony and Carly
Couples of the 2000s
A.J. and Courtney · Alcazar and Carly · Alcazar and Lois · Alcazar and Skye · Carlos and Sabrina · Coleman and Connie · Cooper and Maxie · Dillon and Georgie · Dillon and Lulu · Drew and Kim · Ethan and Kristina · Franco and Maxie · Griffin and Claudette · Jason and Courtney · Jax and Courtney · Jax and Skye · Jesse and Maxie · Johnny and Lulu · Johnny and Maxie · Johnny and Olivia · Kiefer and Kristina · Logan and Lulu · Luke and Felicia · Luke and Tracy · Max and Diane · Nathan and Claudette · Nikolas and Courtney · Nikolas and Elizabeth · Nikolas and Gia · Nikolas and Rebecca · Patrick and Lisa · Ric and Claudia · Ric and Faith · Ryan and Heather · Scott and Bobbie · Sonny and Claudia · Sonny and Emily · Taggert and Portia · Trevor and Connie · Zander and Elizabeth · Zander and Emily
Couples of the 2010s
Aaron and Kristina · A.J. and Elizabeth · Andre and Jordan · Anthony and Tracy · Brad and Felix · Brad and Lucas · Chase and Nelle · Dante and Valerie · Dev and Josslyn · Dev and Trina · Dillon and Kiki · Drew and Hayden · Drew and Margaux · Dustin and Brook Lynn · Dustin and Lulu · Ethan and Irina · Ethan and Maya · Ewen and Elizabeth · Felix and Lucas · Finn and Alexis · Finn and Anna · Finn and Hayden · Franco and Carly · Franco and Elizabeth · Franco and Nina · Griffin and Ava · Griffin and Kiki · Hank and Nelle · Hank and Willow · Jax and Nina · John and Sam · Johnny and Brook Lynn · Johnny and Carly · Johnny and Connie · Johnny and Kristina · Johnny and Lisa · Julian and Kim · Julian and Olivia · "Levi" and Maxie · Lucky and Siobhan · Luke and Anna · Martin and Blair · Michael and Abby · Michael and Kiki · Michael and Nelle · Michael and Rosalie · Michael and Sabrina · Michael and Starr · Mike and Rita · Mike and Yvonne · Milo and Epiphany · Morgan and Ava · Morgan and Kiki · Nathan and Maxie · Neil and Alexis · Nikolas and Britt · Nikolas and Brook Lynn · Nikolas and Hayden · Nikolas and Nadine · Oscar and Josslyn · Parker and Kristina · Patrick and Britt · Patrick and Sabrina · Patrick and Sam · Paul and Ava · Peter and Maxie · Rafe, Jr. and Molly · Ric and Madeline · Ryan and Ava · Shawn and Alexis · Shawn and Carly · Silas and Sam · Sonny and Nelle · Spencer and Josslyn · Spinelli and Ellie · Steve and Olivia · T.J. and Taylor · Todd and Carly · Trey and Kristina · Valerie and Kristina
Couples of the 2020s
Adam and Josslyn · Austin and Ava · Austin and Britt · Austin and Maxie · Blaze and Kristina · Brando and Molly · Brando and Sasha · Cameron and Esme · Cameron and Josslyn · Cameron and Trina · Chet and Terry · Cody and Britt · Finn and Elizabeth · Jackson and Lucy · Jason and Britt · Jax and Britt · John and Ava · Julian and Britt · Julian and Nelle · Lenny and Phyllis · Marshall and Epiphany · Martin and Lucy · Nikolas and Esme · Rory and Trina · Taggert and Jordan · Scott and Liesl · Spencer and Esme · Valentin and Gladys · Victor and Ava · Victor and Eileen · Victor and Lucy · Yuri and Monica · Zeke and Jordan